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Seiklus algab! INNOKA Kevadkool toimub juba 15.-17. aprillil!

Seiklus algab! INNOKA Kevadkool toimub juba 15.-17. aprillil!

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ROBOOTIKA ja program- meerimine

ROBOOTIKA ja program- meerimine

Vestibulum volutpat, lacus a ultrices sagittis, mi neque euismod dui, eu pulvinar nunc sapien ornare nisl.



Vestibulum volutpat, lacus a ultrices sagittis, mi neque euismod dui, eu pulvinar nunc sapien ornare nisl.

Fun Science at the Innokas Innovation Center

Innokas Feeds the Brain   Innokas on teaduse populariseerija  


The Innokas Innovation Center offers children and adults the opportunity to become friends with
science and lay a solid foundation for their future.
At Innokas, you can study at a hobby school, spend leisure time at the innovation center, host
children's parties, or participate in workshops. These workshops can be tailored for children
(schools, kindergartens, and birthday celebrations) as well as adults (corporate events, team
training, etc.). Workshops are held both at the innovation center and at the client’s location.

Explore More: School | Center | Workshops | Events

Fields of Study

At the Innokas Innovation Center, you can gain knowledge in various fields by studying at the
hobby school, engaging in activities at the innovation center, or participating in workshops and


Conduct exciting chemistry experiments in the state-of-the-art Innokas chemistry lab! These experiments make complex chemistry fun and easy to understand.


Learn different programming languages at Innokas and build a strong foundation for a future in technology!


Learn how to build robots and program them to perform various tasks.

Space Science

Discover stars and galaxies! Using a powerful telescope, we can observe the night sky and compare our findings with computer-generated models.

3D Modeling

Learn how to create 3D models and use them in various programs and game development.


Engineering is the future! It requires creativity and knowledge of physics, mechanics, and mathematics. At Innokas, these subjects become accessible and fun!

Science in a Fun Way

At the Innokas Innovation Center, science becomes a fun and engaging experience. In addition
to exciting leisure activities, completing courses at the hobby school provides a great starting
point for future success in engineering, programming, space science, chemistry, virtual reality,
and 3D modeling.

The Innokas Innovation Center Foundation has been offering education in natural sciences, mathematics, and technology for 10 years. It provides young people with knowledge and opportunities beyond traditional formal education, and interest in these subjects among young learners is significant.

Innokas Technology School is a private hobby school that provides education in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). It is officially registered in the EHIS (Estonian Education Information System) with a structured curriculum and subject plans. More than 100 students from Läänemaa attend the school.

STEM Subjects at Innokas:

  • Natural Sciences – Knowledge of the surrounding world, including physics, chemistry, astronomy, and biology.
  • Mathematical Sciences – Physics, chemistry, and mathematics.
  • Technology and Engineering – Skills, tools, and machines needed for production. This includes technology studies, woodworking, ICT, programming, and engineering.

The Importance of STEM

STEM subjects are essential in nearly every aspect of life. Activities in these fields encourage curiosity and innovation in children and young people. Today, the demand for engineers, scientists, and technology specialists is rapidly increasing. Interestingly, 75% of Nobel Prize
winners in science say their love for science began through extracurricular activities! (Source: Estonian Science Education Association).

Innokas Private School’s Mission

We aim to ensure that every child and young person in Läänemaa has access to STEM education. Our goal is to expand our offerings not only in Läänemaa but also in Tallinn and across Estonia.

Why do we focus on STEM education?

• We introduce the latest technologies and possibilities.
• We provide insights into STEM-related careers and education opportunities, offering a
strong foundation for future success.
• We give students opportunities to showcase and share their skills through events,
competitions, and more.


INNOKAS on huvikool ja innovatsioonikeskus, kus enam kui 10 aastat juba jagatakse teadmisi loodus-, täppisteaduste ja tehnoloogia valdkonnas. Innokas on suurepärased tehnilised võimalused inseneeria, keemia, programmeerimise, kosmoseteaduse, virtuaalreaalsuse ja 3D modelleerimisega tegelemiseks.